When placing various sizes of frames and art together, arrange each piece so that one outside edge is in line with another picture next to it, either vertically or horizontally. This technique helps bring a sense of balance to the grouping. Keep the space between frame edges fairly small, typically two to four inches. This will visually "gather the group together." (A great measuring tool to distance one frame from another is your hand...approximately 4” across!) The grouping can build from the center and spread out in all directions....or be developed into a rectangular shape. An irregular shape is very useful if you are likely to add to the items after the initial hanging.
As a picture wall involves several nail holes, work at organizing the collection on the floor in front of the wall where it will hang before moving the items to the wall. Many collectors cut newspaper to the size of each framed item and tape these mock frames to the wall with removable tape before attacking the wall with nails and hooks.
When hanging pictures above a sofa, consider that the bottom of the lowest frame leaves clearance for the head of a seated person. But don't go higher, or the pictures will seem to be floating instead of being visually attached to the sofa. (We suggest that you work with a part

If there is not furniture against the picture wall, and if there are a number of objects to hang, the arrangement can cover the entire wall from ceiling to floor for a dramatic presentation.
Avoid direct sunlight or other strong direct light on the art. Keep track lighting and overhead picture lights away from close contact with artwork as heat from the bulbs can damage the art. Fluorescent lights (including the new compact curly bulbs)may cause fading of some artwork.
Molly and toggle bolts are usually reserved for heavy mirrors. And we personally (except for such mirrors) hang away from studs. Two standard picture hooks should be used for each item hung to "steady" the item.
I'll be happy to take your emailed or phoned questions. Our goal is to help you build a great collection of art...for your enjoyment.
That's all for now.
Norah Lynne
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