#1. I am constantly amazed by the number of collectors who take great care and spend many dollars to select artwork...and then skimp on framing the item...often sacrificing appearance or conservation — or both — just to save a few bucks — or a couple of inches.

#2. And I am more than perplexed that many collectors (not ours) are happy to leave their fine art in the care of neophyte framers.
The sad fact is that you can be "a professional picture framer" just by announcing that you are. You can brag that you are an expert in conservation and preservation of fine art without ever being professionally trained, tested or certified. Thus, in handling artwork, you are probably devaluing the items you handle through your ignorance and inexperience.
So this is my plea to you — the art collector: Celebrate National Art and Framing Month (October) in your community by insisting on placing your art in the care of a CERTIFIED PICTURE FRAMER. We cannot promise that a CPF will treat your artwork as it should be treated...just as we cannot promise that your M.D. got all A’s in medical school. But you’d hardly want to put yourself in the care of a “self-styled doc” who didn’t even complete medical training.
BTW, even if you are one of our mail,
happy to frame your treasures. You’ll
love our pricing, our frame design and
our techniques for design, preservation
and conservation. (Or we can give you the name(s) of CPFs in your community.) FYI, our THREE (3) CPFs supervise every step of your framing process for the protection of your valuable art and/or memorabilia... GUARANTEED!
For the rest of October, we will cram our blog with info about art and framing...and decorating hints. Feel free to email us with your questions and comments for our ART CONSULTANTS (Jen, Larry, Norah Lynne or Alan) and CERTIFIED PICTURE FRAMERS (you might want to ask for Peggy...she is a long-time CPF...director of our award-winning custom framing department).
That’s all for now!
Norah Lynne Brown, CPF (since 1986)
For the rest of October, we will cram our blog with info about art and framing...and decorating hints. Feel free to email us with your questions and comments for our ART CONSULTANTS (Jen, Larry, Norah Lynne or Alan) and CERTIFIED PICTURE FRAMERS (you might want to ask for Peggy...she is a long-time CPF...director of our award-winning custom framing department).
That’s all for now!
Norah Lynne Brown, CPF (since 1986)
Pictured above:
top: 3 Certified Picture Framers posing prettily!
center: Peggy, in blue, ruling the roost in Gallery One's framing department.
bottom: Experienced framer, Dannette, framing herself.
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