Our annual Dean Morrissey Holiday Show (December 5 & 6) was a gala event. On Saturday, Dean hosted a special drawing lesson for 100+ kids who le

Thank you all for your kind comments about our new website. We are still working daily to refine, correct, add and enhance. Janice, our web guru, has done and continues to do a valiant job...and our collectors continue to be extremely patient. They especially love our search abilities...and our on-line ordering system.
As you know, our Kinkade master highlighter made her annual visit on Thanksgiving weekend. She was a real trooper...and worked early and late...and during her breaks to highlight some of our Kinkade canvases...so those of you who hurry can still take advantage of these beautifully enhanced images.
We have great things in store for our collectors...so stay tuned. If you are not on our weekly email subscription list, we urge you to sign up now. Advance news of sales and specials, coupons, etc. will be your rewards. And by the way...we never share your addresses!!!
Here is some unpleasant news for cruise ship art buyers. A class action suit has been instituted against a major cruise ship art provider...and against one of the major cruise ship lines. A major part of the problem is that "When an art buyer bids at a high
seas auction, he or she enters uncharted waters: courts have yet to catch up with the explosive new development of art auctions on the high seas, and it is unclear which...legal protections, if any, will apply. What is clear is that the cruise ship auctions being held by......vary in several significant ways from an land-based auction, which is subject to the terms of the Uniform Commercial Code and other state and federal laws. (High seas ) Auction goers would be wise to be knowledgeably acquainted with those differences before making a decision whether or not to participate in a high seas auction. Mapmakers of old put warning words on the empty spots of the map, the uncharted waters where mariners were at their own risk. High seas art auction buyers should take the same words to heart: "Here there be dragons."
Editor's Note: Meanwhile, Gallery One continues to hold web and live art auctions...living up to the standards of the UCC, the National Auctioneers Association, the Certified Auctioneers Institute...and the states of Florida and Ohio...where Gallery One auctioneer Alan Brown, CAI, AARE is licensed. In fact, Alan even conducted an art auction for the FTC and he is proud that in 30 years (or so), Gallery One has not had one complaint relative to auctioning art.
That's all for now!
Norah Lynne
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