It is with great joy and pleasure that we can announce Felicia Zavarella Stadelman's return with her art lecture series,Through the Eyes of the Artist!
As in the past, all lectures are held on Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. and include free admission, parking & refreshments! Mark your calendars and make it a point to attend any or all of these entertaining and informative events! |
- July 27 • HENRI MATISSE Many people consider him the greatest innovator of the 20th century. Although constantly pushing experimentation, his paintings represent pure calm and harmony.
- August 31 • ODD ARTISTS Drama, Passion, Obsession and Tragedy - The Hidden Lives of our Greatest Artists The most outrageous tales about some of our most famous artists - all the good stuff our art history books left out! "Many of the best artists lived on the edge of chaos - where all great art is born". You will never view art the same way again.
- September 28 • VINCENT VAN GOGH - Dispelling rumors and tales surrounding his life with the true story of passion and obsession. Through his words we begin to understand "Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul."
- October 26 • AUGUSTE RODIN - Who really did most of his important sculptures? Experience the tragic love story that is carved in stone.
- November 23 • PIERRE RENOIR - The story behind the man, not the icon, who refused to think of himself as an impressionist artist. He believed that “a work of art must seize upon you, wrap you up in itself, and carry you away.”