About two weeks ago, Nick Meyer, an art teacher in the Mentor schools, came into Gallery One to ask a special favor. He believed he had devised a perfect way to propose to his girlfriend, Allison Maxfield. Knowing of her love of sunsets at the beach, he had painted such a scene adding, "Will you marry me?" in the sand near his signature. But he couldn't just hand her a painting. He needed to surprise her with it in a way she wouldn't expect. So he asked if we would display it among our other art. He would bring her in the next week to "see a friend's work" and she would discover the artful deception! Well, how can anyone refuse such a romantic offer?
Nick brought his painting in, we added a wire and hung it above our fireplace, and we all waited eagerly for the big day. Last Friday morning I picked up some roses and champagne. Nick and Allison were due to arrive around 1 p.m. I also invited The News-Herald to do a human interest story. Their photographer and reporter arrived a few minutes early and began to take pictures. Excitement was building when they came through our doors. As they strolled closer to the fireplace area, Allison was drawn to Nick's painting. "Do you like it?", he asked. "Yes", she said as she took a closer look at the signature. And as she was reading the writing in the sand, Nick dropped to one knee and said, "Will you marry me?" Allison let out a little squeal of delight, hugged Nick and said, "Yes!" "I saw the name first and I started sweating and getting really nervous," she explained later.

After a few moments, we all began to congratulate the happy couple and poured them some champagne. Nick told us how many people were in on the scheme and still able to keep it a secret; including Allison's parents and sister and Nick's parents and sister. The couple has been together for three years but hadn't made any specific plans for the future. Allison smiled and said she is looking forward to hanging the piece above their couch in place of The Joker's picture.
All art may not have such a profound effect on your life, but you're sure to find something to love at Gallery One! That's all for now.
Watch the News-Herald video