Each week, we’ll give you a list of 10 questions, the answers for which can ALL be found somewhere within Gallery One’s websites: www.galleryone.com and www.gallerygiclees.com (look in the artists’ collections, in our footer under “Helpful Links,” “Artist Bios” and elsewhere.) You can play on your mobile device or computer. Just in case you get stumped, we’ll announce the answers the following week. Challenge your family and friends to see who can correctly answer all the questions first!
Want to earn extra bragging rights credit?
Email us YOUR ideas for questions to use! Send them to lindadc@gallerygiclees.com (she works for us). And give us a call with your ArtSmartz comments or questions; we’d love to hear from you! (800.621.1141 or 440.255.1200)
Here are this week’s questions. Good Luck!
1. I was born in Belgium and became a wildlife painter whose detailed work is often mistaken for photography. Who am I?
2. Sometimes we artists prefer to leave the confines of our studios to paint outdoors. What is the French expression for works accomplished when artists play hooky?
3. Unbeknownst to many collectors, what contemporary American artist painted in a completely different style under the alias “Robert Girrard”?
4. Some artists paint romantic scenes beneath a glowing moon, but I’m the only artist who knows what the moon really looks like because I’ve BEEN there. Who am I?
5. I’m just a kid at heart – I love the Three Stooges, snack food and comic book superheroes. I even get candy and cookie crumbs all over my artwork when I paint. But my collectors don’t mind – in fact, they love it! What’s my name?
6. In the Middle Ages, before oil paints were developed, artists used to mix pigments with yolks. What is the name of this medium? (Hint: It sounds like something on a breakfast menu.)
7. In the picture framing world, these initials are a designation of excellence, earned only by someone who has passed rigorous testing and demonstrated particular skill and knowledge in their demanding profession (and Gallery One has three of them on-staff). What does CPF stand for?
8. This French term meaning “fine spray” has revolutionized the way fine art is reproduced, using digital scans to print directly onto canvas or paper. What is the term?
9. This American artist created an elaborate mythical island on which people co-existed peacefully with intellectually evolved dinosaurs. What is his name?
10. This British artist was an RAF pilot during World War II. After moving to the U.S., he worked as a matte painter for Walt Disney Studios, winning the 1964 Oscar for Best Visual Effects for the film classic, Mary Poppins. What is his name?
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